



1. 本於恩典藉著信心;本於公義藉著行為。
2. 滿足公義之神的要求;滿足得勝基督的要求。
3. 罪人在神面前稱義;聖徒在基督面前蒙稱許。
4. 叫罪人得救;叫信徒得勝
5. 藉著法理的救贖;藉著生機的救恩。
6. 藉著信入基督;藉著顯大基督
7. 基督住在我們的裡面;我們住在基督的裡面。
8. 我們成為神家的兒女;我們成為羔羊的新婦。
9. 我們蒙召有分父的筵席;被選有分基督的婚筵。
10. 憑著信我們接受的義;我們憑著愛活出的義。
11. 叫我們得著稱義;叫我們全人成為義。
12. 叫我們得著永遠的生命;叫我們得著國度的賞賜。

There are 12 points in two aspects of Christ as our righteousness:
The first garment (objective righteousness); the second garment (subjective righteousness)
 1. Out of grace through faith; out of righteousness through works.
 2. Satisfy the requirements of the righteous God; satisfy the requirements of the victorious Christ.
 3. Sinners are justified before God; saints are approved before Christ.
 4. To enable sinners to be saved; to enable believers to overcome.
 5. Through the judicial redemption; through the organic salivation.
 6. By believing into Christ; by magnifying Christ.
 7. Christ lives in us; we live in Christ.
 8. We become children of God’s...
