via LMA Sept 2013
Praise the Lord for His move in Zambia. Gain more useful vessels there for containing God and expressing God corporately. (L4 baptism, 2nd from R students in love feast, R1 gospel preaching on campus) - Sept 2013

Please pray!!
1. Meeting at Chuck(Kampot) on 28th Sep. 2013.2. Meeting at Anlong Veng(Udor Meancheay) on 19th Oct. 2013
3. 12 saints from Malaysia visit to Phnom Penh from 26-28 Sep. 2013. Going out to preach gospel on 27th and will have blending meeting with dinner at 5:00 pm at the meeting hall.
4. 5 brothers will go Bangkok from LMA fellowship from 29-31 Sep. 2013.
5. 35 brothers from Cambodia will participate in ITERO Bangkok from 3-5 Oct. 2013. May the Lord bless this chance for all the brothers see the vision of the Lord’s Recovery and the Body of Christ.
福音行动第一天,我们共受浸了28位新人。看到神在柬埔寨福音大能的见证,圣徒们很受激励。今天我们将到3个城市去传福音,直至周六回到金边。 请继续在你们的祷告中记念我们。阿们!